Monday, August 24, 2015

0 My Life As Ashley(:

Before coming to Florida State I had only used basic technology for things like watching TV and social media. I had also used my computer for school work such as research and writing papers like most of us have.

Also, since I went to a high school that was focused on preparing its students for the real world we used a lot of technology in those classes.

I chose the Early Childhood Education academy and became the manager of the center. My job as the manager included helping to revise lesson plans and work with the teachers to actually teach the lesson to the 3-5 year old students that were in the class. That required computer use and becoming familiar with whatever technology the teacher wanted to use that day.

Since coming to Florida State I had to learn to use more technology in the classroom because I was in the FSU-Teach program where we created lesson plans and taught them to students at local schools. In our classes we had to learn to use different technology, such as apps, that we would then have our students use. Also, we had to peer teach in the class so we got introduced to different technology that other groups used in their lesson plans.

In this class I am hoping to learn other technology that I can use in the classroom and to refine my skills in different areas that I have not yet mastered.

I knew that I was pretty flexible when learning new things, but I learned why that is. In all of the categories I'm pretty in the middle, which means that I'm well balanced, so I can learn and understand the same information if it is given to me in different ways. I also believe that this will help me when I teach lessons because I can supply my students with the same information in different ways.

1 comment:

  1. Ashley,
    We are so lucky to have you. Please chime in with any those lesson plans and technology experiences. We all need to hear anecdotes of real tech integration with real kids.
