Monday, September 28, 2015

3 Tech Talk and Newsletters

I've already had a tad bit of experience with planning out graphics for my classroom having been working with children for a few years, but I'm so excited to be able to make videos with them and find new graphics and images to teach them the same thing. I feel like having different ways of giving them the same information will help them to remember it so my classroom is going to have a lot of that, as well as just a lot of charts because I feel like breaking down the information in lists is an easy way to remember it.

Making my newsletter I learned a lot of different things. The biggest thing that I think I learned was how to do the columns. I've always wondered how teachers did that so playing around with it and figuring out how to go from one column to two and then back to one was so great.

Another thing I learned making my newsletter is that it was how to add in hyperlinks and I think that just comes in handy so much especially if you plan to have a technology based classroom like I do. This way I can email out a weekly newsletter and have the parents be able to email me or click on links to find the pictures and posts of anything and everything we do in the classroom.

Monday, September 14, 2015

2 Retweet That: Microsoft, Copyright and Twitter

Like most of us I've typically used Microsoft Word for writing papers and doing assignments. However I've also used it to write lesson plans and flyers for the childcare center that I was "working" for at my school. It was one of my classes, and I loved it.

I've seen teachers use Microsoft Word to write up their notes for their lectures and to type up the assignments they would hand out to their classes. I've also seen them use it to type up announcements that they could print out and put up on their boards.

I think the most experience I've had using fair use materials in an educational way are the clip art images in word that I would put on my assignments for students so the handout didn't look dull. I'm not really sure how I've ever used copy righted materials in a classroom.

As a teacher I would show my students the right way to go about using these materials because I would love to be able to put their work online for people to see so I'd have to make sure they aren't breaking any laws.

I use my personal twitter every single day. I've had it forever, I'm not sure when I first made it but I think it was at least four years ago. I need to get into the habit of having two twitters and using my EME2040 one more but I think that it's pretty great.

As for my classroom I would love to have a class twitter just so I can let parents know what's going on with the class and get some tips from other teachers that way as well.