Monday, October 19, 2015

6 Classroom Website Woes

On the web I found the website of one Mrs, Lauren Miller who is a second grade teacher at Butteville Elementary School in Edgewood, California. On this page you see a little bit about her and pictures of a few of her students and things they've done in class. She has links to resources I assume she uses in class like Renaissance Learning and Go Noodle. It's a fairly simple website with not much on it.
I plan to use technology in all aspects of my classroom. For instance aside from having a class site and twitter. I plan to use technology to write my lesson plans and keep track of them. I plan to use it to track student's grades, to time assignments, and to take notes on my student's behaviors. I want my classroom to be very technologically based.
I really enjoyed working on the web evaluation assignment because it taught me what to look for when I look for websites as I plan my lessons. It taught me that not all websites are great even if they may look like they are, you have to dig a little deeper. Also, it taught me that more goes into is it a reliable sight other than authorship. 


  1. Was the teacher site sponsored by the school or did Mrs. Miller produce her own site? Her limitations are not uncommon in teacher sites.
