Sunday, November 22, 2015

ILP Design - The Lion and The Mouse (Prezi)

So for this project I decided to do something similar to what we did in class and created a Prezi to tell the story of the Lion and the Mouse. It's a common fable about how kindness is important and one kind act now can be returned in the future. I really like this story and I think that fables are a great way to teach students morals so I would personally want to include something like this into an actual lesson that I will teach in the future.
You can find this Prezi here.


  1. Very cute! I like how you used the path of Prezi to tell a story!

  2. This was a great design for your information. The designs are endless seem like on things you want to share of the information you have.

  3. Creative use of Prezi. I like how you followed up the Prezi with activities on Edmodo.
